Letter from President Reoch




Dear Friends:


Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche has asked me to send you the following message:


 "I have now run nine marathons over the past years to support the rebuilding of Surmang Dutsi Til. Thank you to everyone who supported me in this effort. My friends at the Konchok Foundation tell me that these marathons collectively raised nearly three quarters of a million dollars, and have brought us well within reach of achieving our goal.


 "However, it's now time for you to take over from me in running (or sitting, or walking) for Tibet, to complete the vital dharma projects that we are supporting there."


To fulfill the Sakyong's request, and allow everyone in our community to participate as broadly as possible in our annual Konchok Foundation spring fund-raising campaign, we've come up with “The Shambhala Triathlon for Surmang, Tibet”.


This triathlon consists of sitting, walking, running (and biking). Doing all the activities would be wonderful but is not required. Even one counts as participation. We trust that everyone in our sangha can find a way to do that!


We are designating early April, around the time of Trungpa Rinpoche’s Parinirvana, as the kick-off for “The Shambhala Triathlon for Surmang. Tibet.” What we’d like your centre to do is to pick one weekend day during April or May, for you to participate. We would also like you to find a local coordinator. 

for the event, and to publicize your centre’s participation locally.


There will also be announcements on the Shambhala News Service and in the Shambhala Times, our new online community news magazine. Your centre can decide on the exact format that you think works best.


Please ask your local coordinator to contact Ginny Lipson at the Konchok Foundation (ginnylipson@gmail.com, 303-494-7852) to confirm participation and to receive planning support.


Local centres and groups, depending on their size, could choose one option among a number of proposals we could post on the website created for this event. You do not need to feel restricted to including only your membership. The broader community could be invited to create a triathlon team in support of Surmang.


The Konchok Foundation will provide informational materials and logistical support including program format suggestions, and has offered to work with local centres to cover their out-of-pocket expenses for the event.


All participants will be asked to make a donation to support the dharma in Tibet, however larger or small as they are able, through the Konchok Foundation. They can be asked in advance to ask friends and relatives to support them in the triathlon by sponsoring them or offering a donation.


Donations are tax deductible in the U.S. or Canada, and can be made in cash, by check in North America or Canada, or by online credit card.


The global goal for The Shambhala Triathlon for Surmang, Tibet is to raise $50,000. Two donors to the Konchok Foundation have already agreed to match dollar-for-dollar the first $15,000 of donations!


In the Great Eastern Sun vision,


Richard Reoch

President of Shambhala